Address:Bollaram Village, Jinnaram Mandal, Telangana
Certified: ISO 9001: 2010
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PalletsHub Is now creating a New era of making furniture by using recycled wooden pallets by maintaining a good quality of furniture compare to other furniture.
Pallet furniture is furniture by using recycled wooden pallets. The furniture can be of any type including pallet seats, wooden pallet benches, pallet beds, pallet tables, vanity, desks, chairs, bookshelves and other house or office furniture. Since wooden pallets are reusable items, they are well treated and made for a long life cycle. This means that when used for pallet furniture they are strong and offer quality for money. Use recycled and repurposed wood pallets to create your next masterpiece of pallet furniture.
Don’t waste your hard earned money on overpriced, poorly on furniture! Rather, by making furniture out of wooden pallets by pallet treandz.
palletshub can be creatively manufacturing indoor and outdoor furniture out from wooden pallets. we design the furniture for modern houses, offices with a great look at low expenses of cost.
We offering
Bar & Restaurant tables: – pallet furniture made restaurant furniture very reasonable prices. Pallet furniture at a restaurant is encouraging for the entrepreneurs who have begun their commercial enterprise with a smaller capital.
Beds:-Using the wood pallet for crafting any furniture item is the most useful and functional idea these days. With a simple design and rustic look, the wooden pallets offer countless options to the customer to have customized bedding arrangement. Whether it is double or king-size, you can make any size and shape of the pallet bed. The wooden pallets can be held together with extra studs and wheels to raise the height and comfort level. A cozy sleeping arrangement for both outdoor and indoor location has never been so cheap. The wooden pallet beds take their roots from vintage wooden pallet furniture but can be converted into modern Indian furniture trends according to your creativity and style.
Sofa: – pallet furniture offering the” L “shaped and “U” shaped sofa at best prices.
Bookshelves:-we prepare two types of bookshelves wall-based racks and wall-based tables
Chairs:-pallet furniture prepares good looking wooden pallet chairs for your modern home.